
Special Sale

Special Sale: Vendetta Trifecta Set

Special Sale: Vendetta Trifecta Set

Welcome to the special sale! This collectors box features all three Vendetta Trifecta novels! The Collectors Set includes: ✷ The print book set containing Justice, Retribution and Vengeance - and, yes, all three will be autographed! ✷ A set of "throwing star" push-pins ✷ other fun swag Use the paypal button below-- you'll be charged $40 to Griffyn Ink. That payment includes shipping in the...

BLAH4BLAHAll other retailers, Print & Audiobooks CLICK HERE
Special Sale: FORTUNE book set

Special Sale: FORTUNE book set

Welcome to the special sale! This collectors box features both FORTUNE novels! The Collectors Set includes: ✷ The print book containing both FORTUNE (gray) and FORTUNE (red) - and, yes, both sides will be autographed! ✷ real crime scene evidence bags - from forensic suppliers ✷ real fingerprinting reports - just like you might use if you were getting arrested ✷ other fun swag Use the paypal...

BLAH4BLAHAll other retailers, Print & Audiobooks CLICK HERE

All Series

When you join my email list, you’ll get Becoming – a Vendetta Trifecta Short Story, absolutely FREE! And in a few days, I’ll send you another Vendetta Trifecta Short Story – Inheritance.

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