

More VENGEANCE Spoilers

More VENGEANCE Spoilers

Did you notice? Sin and her sister Wendy don’t look alike. This was just one of those quirks that I write in to make the story whole. My father and his younger brother look so different (one blond haired, blue eyed like our norther Italian ancestors and the other dark, like our southern Italian ancestors) and I wrote the characters to resemble them. I always knew that Sin’s father triggered the...

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More GOD’S EYE Spoilers

More GOD’S EYE Spoilers

ON THE COVER Of course, at the end, you’ll realize that’s actually Allistair on the cover, not Zachary. REGARDING ALLISTAIR Allistair never swears. He also revels in earthly sensations when incarnate. I operated under the idea that God gave us the earth and that not appreciating it is to disrespect that. Allistair worships all those sensations. At one point he comments “there was grace in doing...

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DID YOU NOTICE? All the addresses are clues to the mystery. For example, the apartment the boys live in with their mother is 187 (murder), Jason’s birth father is at an address that codes for Arson. I alluded to it in the name of the bar they go to “Code 647” for Drunk and Disorderly. **There are more addresses than just these. Send me one and I'll send you a prize! (Email me or use Contact Me...

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