cover of Sabotage with NightShade logo a police procedural and paranormal suspense mystery - book 9 cover features a nature reclaimed staircase with human foot prints that suddenly become a large animal's.
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Christina Pines could make anyone see or think anything she chose, but it wasn't enough to save her last partner. Now, it's barely helping her track escaped convict and wolf-collector, Dr. Murray Marks.

The Shadow Files Sabotage

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FBI Agent Christina Pines is missing…

Christina Pines could make anyone see or think anything she chose. Though it was a talent she’d had her whole life, it hadn’t been enough to save her last partner. Now, it was barely helping her track escaped convict, Dr. Murray Marks.

When she learned that Walter Reed was on her tail, Christina knew that meant her Special Agent in Charge Westerfield had sent a cleanup crew to bring her in.

She’s chasing a trail that threatens to go cold despite her stunning talents. Armed with her unique ability and a fierce determination to win, she realizes her best asset is that she’s willing to die to bring Marks to justice. But when the attacks start coming, the team learns that Marks might not be the biggest threat to the wolves…

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