The Vendetta Trifecta

Sin and Lee want the same revenge, but they are going about it in very different ways.
They’ll have to work together, or kill each other. That is, if the FBI doesn’t get them first!
“This author blows me away. Just when I start to think there are no more novels out there that will thrill me, I come across this one.” – ★★★★★
“Very dark, plenty of action, and character interaction that was stellar… An excellent read.” – ★★★★★

The Vendetta Trifecta



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Get ready to root for the bad guys. Sin has a carefully crafted plan to destroy the Kurev crime family. Lee has a death wish. The problem is that he’s going to get her killed, too, in the process. Can she work with Lee or will he have to be her next target?

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Autographed Paperbacks $20.95 – Free Shipping with 2 or more
Lee and Sin are living as Will and Diana now, hidden in plain sight. But a stronger generation of Kurevs is growing out of the wasteland they left behind and the Kurev sons have a memory that is long . . . and angry.

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Autographed Paperbacks $20.95 – Free Shipping with 2 or more
Three times Sin has left her old life behind to begin a new one from scratch. But this time the choice is made for her when Lee is taken in the dead of night and she barely gets away with her own life.

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The Vendetta Trifecta Boxed Set

The Vendetta Trifecta Boxed Set

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Follow Sin, Lee, Owen, and Nick through twists and turns as everything they know is questioned. Old allegiances will shift. New enemies will arise and old enemies will reappear just when Sin is certain they are gone.

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Find out when Sin first became Sin. Who was the first kill, and why?

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When Lee lost his wife and daughter, he disappeared for several years… follow him through those missing pieces.

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