
When 8 year old Fortune goes missing for ten days, Mia and Rafe will have their worlds turned upside down.
Mia will discover her daughter is not at all what she thought. Rafe only knows his family was torn apart, Fortune may be the key to it all.
“Just when you think a character is trustworthy… And truly, only A.J. Scudiere could invent and pull off such an approach of genius.” – ★★★★★
“AJ Scudiere captures the intensity of the emotions… Even though I knew from the beginning that Fortune would be returned home unharmed, I could not put down this thriller.”


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Fortune (Mia’s Story)

Fortune (Mia’s Story)

$5.99 – or 20% off from me!
Autographed Paperbacks $20.95 – Free Shipping with 2 or more
Fortune is missing. As Mia tries to figure out who kidnapped her daughter, she learns that no one in her life is who she thought they were.

BLAH4BLAHAll other retailers, Print & Audiobooks CLICK HERE
Fortune (Rafe’s Story)

Fortune (Rafe’s Story)

$5.99 – or 20% off from me!
Autographed Paperbacks $20.95 – Free Shipping with 2 or more
Fortune is missing. The only one left standing, Rafe thinks he knows what happened to his wife and daughters. But Fortune Flores is hiding secrets even she doesn’t know.

BLAH4BLAHAll other retailers, Print & Audiobooks CLICK HERE
FORTUNE (Mia & Rafe) 2 Book Set

FORTUNE (Mia & Rafe) 2 Book Set

$9.99 – or 20% off from me!
Fortune is missing. As Mia tries to figure out who kidnapped her daughter, she learns that no one in her life is who she thought they were. And Rafe will discover what happened to his wife and daughters.

BLAH4BLAHAll other retailers, Print & Audiobooks CLICK HERE

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